About Richard Iveson



I am Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Institute for Advanced Study of the Humanities (IASH) at the University of Queensland.My teaching and research interests includeContinental philosophy (with focus on Nietzsche, Heidegger and Derrida); posthumanism; animal studies; biotechnology; and post-Marxism.

My first book, Zoogenesis: Thinking Encounter with Animals, was published in 2014 and my second, Being and Not Being: On Posthuman Temporality, is due for release in late-2016.




7 responses to “About Richard Iveson

  • Reviews of Taking Care of Youth and the Generations | Sam Kinsley

    […] reviews that I have seen are by Galloway in the journal Radical Philosophy (PDF) and by Richard Iveson in the journal Parallax (an earlier draft is available online at New Cross Review of […]

  • Malabou

    Thank you so much Richard.
    Hoping further exchanges

  • Conor Mckeown

    Hey, I’m doing a PhD in Glasgow and I just started reading your Thesis as a resource. I’m pretty much doing the exact same thing as you… Did you enounter any difficulty with your project being seen as too far reaching or broad? The scope/reach of your thesis – as I understand it – is a call for a new philosophy that breaks from the patterns of killing versus murder via animal thinking in order to disrupt the fall back in pretty much all known philosophy to western-patrio dominance. Or was the specificity of your proposed problem+solution (there is no animal thinking in philosophy, lets add some) override the vastness of its applicability?

    • Richard Iveson

      Hi Conor, thanks for your comment, and apologies for taking so long to reply. Do you have an outline/synopsis of your thesis you could email me? I would be very interested to read it. I didn’t encounter any particular difficulties as regards my own thesis – I think mainly because, although it is a far-reaching text, it also remains focused throughout on the event of the “zoogenetic encounter” and its impact upon ever-broader ethical and political questions. Also, the fact that the tutors at Goldsmiths College supported and encouraged me throughout had a lot to do with the overcoming of potential problems! How about you? How are you finding Glasgow? Best, Richard

  • Samir

    Hi Richard, I got introduced to Stiegler while finalizing my thesis on Hypercapitalism. Mu argument is that Stiegler’s concepts go far and too quickly to assume the destruction of desire and the blocking of libidinal energy processes that constitute identity and the possibilities of emergence. The current political project is without doubt that of hypercapitalism that proliferates the global economy accompanied by technical support (media, internet and others), but Stiegler’s proposition is yet but another technologically deterministic judgment that makes a background condition (technology) into a determinant of the psychic apparatus that ignores emergence. Having the freedom to choose, driven by natural human impulses, allows for emergence to occur.

    You mentioned DeLanda in your exert above. I hv read some of his books but still find DeLanda’s concepts deterministic although and ignores ’emergence’. Not sure if you have any links or articles on how ’emergence’ that just happens as part of general complexity theory can play part in incorporating a sense of adaptation to Stiegler’s


  • Victoria

    Dear Richard,

    I have just read your article “Animals in Looking-Glass World” to try and better understand Heidegger’s notions of Dasein and nonhuman animals. I am currently doing an MA in Art, where I am exploring how we construct notions of ‘animal’ in film. My own final work attempts to reconfigure the animal in film as unidentifiable/non classifiable other, but which possesses ‘being’ which can be perceived/empathised with via an embodied reading of the final film. So that the film has a quality of extimacy. I am very interested in your work, but I am not well versed in philosophy so have found it quite heavy reading. I wonder if you might be able to clarify some of your concepts through a further communication, I would be very grateful for some pointers for my dissertation.

    With many thanks.


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